Tag Archives: hospital

The daily battle.

20 May

When you have a child with autism each day can be a battle.

From getting out of bed the right way…his way. To how he wants his cereal today or the toast cut. Often these things are done wrong & this results in a melt down. The next day I will try & do the same thing to avoid a melt down. 
The point of today’s blog is not only do I have to battle with my son, but also the health professionals.
I have had a letter through referring Olly for his blood tests. Letter says for him to go to paediatrics. Call hospital. Get put through to paediatrics. They won’t do his blood tests as he’s over 4. He was 4 last month.
Call normal blood test department. They won’t deal with him as he’s a child & also due to his autism & global delay.
Call hospital reception again. Lady was lovely. She couldn’t believe the trouble I was having. She decided to put me through to the children’s ward & explain my situation to them.
So, this Thursday, Olly is going to the children’s ward of our local hospital to get his bloods done. We have a 10:30 appointment but may have to wait if there are emergencies. This is not a problem. I will take snacks & books for Olly.
I am amazed that it was so hard to book a requested blood test. 
This is how it is. A daily battle.
I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will fight all the way for my boy.